I believe there is a post somewhere on this blog regarding who writes the posts, and if they have an agenda. The agenda being wicked herbals, amped and white water rapid. Well first things first, time to seperate wicked herbals from amped and white water rapid. Wicked herbals is a retail outlet, thier distributor is a company named .............. If you have ordered I am sure you know. anyways, The fact of the matter is the person who writes this blog is not writing this post, and this is just a writing of fiction.......... about the creation of a product line
I am the creator of the aforementioned products, before amped and before white water rapid came to the market, a two month period of humbling research was embarked upon. This was a few months after achieving a bachelors degree in biochem and meeting a guy who wanted to make a product of thier own after seeing others do so. Luckily, he met me, and unfortunately I met him. I know It is my own making it was my fault. anyways, looking back usually leads me to the expression young and stupid. anyways, I obviously over-complicated everything. I had know Idea what bath salt was 6 months or so ago. The investor did not know more than MDPV is cool and people seem to buy it and they had some habits that included but were not limited too ........... In this two month period a learned a whole bunch about independant research. I had no guidance and at one point wwr was reffered to as "your little project" which I replied to with "My little project, I thought this was our little project". anyways fast forward two months and $200 and no help. WWR is started.....fast forward a couple months a few cut corners and hours upon hours of pain stacking labor. Fun fact. Until the very end of 2011 WWR and Amped were made by almost exclusively by 2 people. So many side stories...................... anyways the most people ever staffed on the amped and wwr project as whole was 4. the computer is about to die, rather than pick up this post here ...if you even made it this far ... boring I know...... please leave any questions that relate to this story, as long as the questions are related to this work of fiction they will be answered.......... obviously anything that may land the characters of this story in hot water in any way shape or form will be dealt with accordingly.....cant wait to continue the story, the ending is pretty good,,,,,,,no spell checking or grammar so dont mess with me. computer dying.... leave questions... stay tuned for a the rest of the fictional work.,,,,,,, THe END???? lol
I love the comments that are consistent with the story line
I am the creator of the aforementioned products, before amped and before white water rapid came to the market, a two month period of humbling research was embarked upon. This was a few months after achieving a bachelors degree in biochem and meeting a guy who wanted to make a product of thier own after seeing others do so. Luckily, he met me, and unfortunately I met him. I know It is my own making it was my fault. anyways, looking back usually leads me to the expression young and stupid. anyways, I obviously over-complicated everything. I had know Idea what bath salt was 6 months or so ago. The investor did not know more than MDPV is cool and people seem to buy it and they had some habits that included but were not limited too ........... In this two month period a learned a whole bunch about independant research. I had no guidance and at one point wwr was reffered to as "your little project" which I replied to with "My little project, I thought this was our little project". anyways fast forward two months and $200 and no help. WWR is started.....fast forward a couple months a few cut corners and hours upon hours of pain stacking labor. Fun fact. Until the very end of 2011 WWR and Amped were made by almost exclusively by 2 people. So many side stories...................... anyways the most people ever staffed on the amped and wwr project as whole was 4. the computer is about to die, rather than pick up this post here ...if you even made it this far ... boring I know...... please leave any questions that relate to this story, as long as the questions are related to this work of fiction they will be answered.......... obviously anything that may land the characters of this story in hot water in any way shape or form will be dealt with accordingly.....cant wait to continue the story, the ending is pretty good,,,,,,,no spell checking or grammar so dont mess with me. computer dying.... leave questions... stay tuned for a the rest of the fictional work.,,,,,,, THe END???? lol
I love the comments that are consistent with the story line