Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I look forward to all questions. responses should be within 24 hours. I have a bachelors degree in Biochemistry and have an extensive knowledge of the "grey market" market

1 comment:

  1. How do they still sell in stores if it's illegal. Used Rave ON back when and IT was boss. It was Criminalized and taken off shelves but delivery men would do the dirty work. Now six months later I find a white girls pleasure cream as well as a tranquility glass cleaner both strange and barely noticeable effectiveness. The rave on straight Balled and I clocked 11 days one time. But now it's all unreliable and 1000 x weaker. Across the US I later discovered a tranquility Looks similar but I forgot the name of it but it might be pipe cleaner the newer one is pink with tiny dark pink speckles very small amount of em as the older was pure white. What the bells goin on out there and how do these headshops sell the newer crap stuff to people still but maybe I'm taking it wrong What's your opinion on this can't you just order from out of country


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