Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy thanksgiving to one and all.  Hopefully all is well,  watch out for the pocefus they love to ruin holidays.  I am thankful for many things, it would be interesting to hear from some other passer byes what they are thankful for.  once again HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Notice that bath salt is leaving the news

I predicted this.......first of all not all "bath salts" are bad.  Secondly,   The term bath salt is a misnomer literally. when the news would report on bath salt in a negative way it was usually, if not always due to MDPV not "bath salt".   Anyways, for all the misinformed. MDPV is potent and  addictive..... when abused, people would act as if they would have if they were abusing meth.  Anyways, my prediction was that a month from the ban the word and the topic would dissappear , never to be heard from again,  that is of course until something comes out that can induce meth-like episodes.  So far it looks like my vindictive self is right.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hoping for interaction lol

Well I was really excited about this blog thing.  I thought I would create a blog and questions would start flying in.   Please people comment ask questions,  I would love it if I woke up tommorow and had a question about some active ingredient in some product and its biological pathways!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Online vendors of legal highs

I have had many questions regarding trustworthy online retailers recently.  people,  please be careful before you buy anything online from a site u are unfamiliar with.  If you are curious about a specific site please comment to this post and if I do not know of or about I will find out to the best of my knowledge if they are or are not trustworthy through my circle of peeps lol so to speak.  gotta love google+

Saturday, November 12, 2011

salts in az

eightballz bath salt used to be the shit.  Eight ballz glass cleaner burned like hell and did little to nothing. just recently my friend showed me a brand called white water rapid.  I would say it is the best brand since the federal ban.  also bliss products have shown some promise.  Stay away from crazy train!  checkout they have the brands I mentioned and I have ordered from them.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I look forward to all questions. responses should be within 24 hours. I have a bachelors degree in Biochemistry and have an extensive knowledge of the "grey market" market

Bath salts and powders, advice and information from a biochemist

This blog was created to help answer and inform anyone and everyone who has questions, observations, and interests in the world of not for consumption products generally reffered to as bath salts.  These products are sold online and in smoke shops around the United states.  The fundamental idea behind this blog is for people to ask questions and for a biochemist with vast knowledge and experience to give the best answer possible.  Obviously,  there are many variations with regards to regions and products available.  Feel free to ask anything and everything and get an unbiased response.  Whether you are curious about bath salts, against bath salts, or for bath salts, please feel free to post all questions and comments