Thursday, December 8, 2011

House bill stalling

House bill aiming to move currently legal chemicals to schedule 1 is being considered.  This would be counter productive.  If this bill aims to give dope peddlers, cartels, and smugglers more power, then by all means pass it.   But regardless of party affilitation,  If you are into the whole preserving the integrity of america, do not let this bill pass.  This will take money out of american pockets and put in the pockets large scale criminal syndicates.  this is just a quick post before I go to work but you can bet your booty I am gonna smash this as soon as I have time.  This is bigger than salt or synthetics,  this is the story of the fall of the most powerful state entity of all time.  Goodbye America? 

1 comment:

  1. I agree completely!!! The government sells guns to Mexican drug cartels and America just lets them get away with it. The USA has been gone for a while. We are now the Fascist States of America. Wall Street is Washington and Washington is Wall Street.


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