Wow I am shocked. Even though demand has gone down, it still exists. Unfortunately since the methedrone/MDPV (formerly legal methamphetamine substitute) Many distributors are scrambling to reformulate. Due to a lack of chemical knowledge these distributors are facing unprecendented decline in sales attributed to the simple fact they do not have a chemist on staff to formulate quality products. More specifically, one of my good friends that I met up with today was unusually upset or maybe depressed. I didnt want to be nosey but I couldnt help but ask what was causing his distress. His distress in short was "I thought my formulator knew what he was doing....apperently without MDPV it is not as easy to make a quality formulation". Even though I put that in quotations its not word for word but Im sure you get the gist. Thats where I come in........ If you are a distributor, retailer, or even consumer, I am willing to give advice and point all in the direction of quality ingredients/res. chems. If your inquiry is of the not for profit nature then rest assure advice is free :) .....And of course if you are a for profit retailer or distributor advice may be free...... I guess it depends how you plan to use it. In case you didnt know my tag biochemguy isnt just for shitties and gigglies ha I am a fucking scientist. Well not quite, I have a bachelors degree in biochemistry and have thouroughly studied metabolic pathways. Of course nobody knows everything. except for me jk........ lets put this a different way. Anyone can learn anything if they are willing to put in the time. Now lets consider an academic degree as a piece of paper that certifies you to use and handle tools, my tools are science, research and lab skills. So I graduate, I have the tools, I keep them on me and best case scenario I use them as often as possible, maybe even make a little money because of it. However, Just because you have the tools and know how to use them doesnt mean much. I like this allegory, and Im getting to the point. So know pretend like biochemistry is painting. I have brushes, canvas, paint, and subject matter all the tools neccessary to make my painting. But just because you have been versed in the methods/tools needed to paint it does not mean you have mastered the art itself. Follow ? anyways long convulated allegorical story short, I have been given the tools and am getting better at the art every day. So bring the heat, according to google analytics in the past month thousands have visited and read my blog. But for whatever reason the blog has only tallied 4 comments, and thats cool, thank you whoever you are. I love science its my first true love. Furthermore, I am trained in the craft and am working on mastering the art. So please, asking me something, If its impossible and complicated even better. If its stupid and hurtful thats cool too cause you dont know me, you cant judge me! lol anyways the holiday get tough and sometimes we all need a little pick me up let me help you with that......... cool? COOL! My next post is gonna be sweet.
I am fascinated by your POV on several issues. I won't lie to you, I am an independent Journlist and am doing some research for an article I am writing this morning. I am not anti or pro anything on the whole synthetics debate. I also like that you obviously know what a biochemical engineering hypershaman should. I will be referencing your webpage in my article, when it is done. I will send ya a link. Maybe it will help you find that investor you seem to be looking for. Good luck and be in touch very soon.
how does a-pvp compare to mdpv? More specifically are you familiar with Armageddon Eclipse and if so, how would a supposed blend of 70% a-pvp 30% lidocaine compare? A response would be greatly appreciated.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the non reply, it was so helpful guru!!
ReplyDeleteIf anyone has any insight or knowledge to the January 10th question which was ignored ( I realize it was a month and four days after original post) I would greatly appreciate it, Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteThe name doesn't matter, just the chemicals and cuts. If they are the same it would be the same and if there are substitutes then expect a different outcome. Simple common sense I would say. Just my two cents.
DeleteOK, let me dumb it down some since I am the first to admit I have zero knowledge of organic or whatever the fuck it is chemistry to make drugs. Do not know the make up of first said product, was hoping a superior did. Assuming I could find someone with this knowledge, I was hoping they could lead me to a close second or comparable replacement. I get that the active ingredient in Eclipse isn't the scientific chemical make up of two part E four part Clipse. But thanks for pointing out that bathsalt brands cannot be found on the periodical table, huge help
DeleteHint, "periodical table" is bait