Sunday, January 29, 2012

White water rapid, Amped, exuberance powder, wicked herbals

 I believe there is a post somewhere on this blog regarding who writes the posts, and if they have an agenda.  The agenda being wicked herbals, amped and white water rapid.  Well first things first,  time to seperate wicked herbals from amped and white water rapid.  Wicked herbals is a retail outlet, thier distributor is a company named ..............   If you have ordered I am sure you know.  anyways,  The fact of the matter is the person who writes this blog is not writing this post,  and this is just a writing of fiction..........  about the creation of a product line

I am the creator of the aforementioned products,  before amped and before white water rapid came to the market,  a two month period of humbling research was embarked upon. This was a  few months after achieving a bachelors degree in biochem and meeting a guy who wanted to make a product of thier own after seeing others do so.  Luckily,  he met me, and unfortunately I met him.  I know It is my own making it was my fault. anyways,  looking back usually leads me to the expression young and stupid. anyways,  I obviously over-complicated everything.  I had know Idea what bath salt was 6 months or so ago.  The investor did not know more than MDPV is cool and people seem to buy it and they had some habits that included but were not limited too ...........      In this two month period a learned a whole bunch about independant research.  I had no guidance and at one point wwr was reffered to as "your little project" which I replied to with "My little project,  I thought this was our little project".  anyways fast forward two months and $200 and no help.  WWR is forward a couple months a few cut corners and hours upon hours of pain stacking labor.  Fun fact.  Until the very end of 2011 WWR and Amped were made by almost exclusively by 2 people.  So many side stories......................  anyways the most people ever staffed on the amped and wwr project as whole was 4.  the computer is about to die,  rather than pick up this post here ...if you even made it this far ... boring I know...... please leave any questions that relate to this story,  as long as the questions are related to this work of fiction they will be answered.......... obviously anything that may land the characters of this story in hot water in any way shape or form will be dealt with accordingly.....cant wait to continue the story,  the ending is pretty good,,,,,,,no spell checking or grammar so dont mess with me.  computer dying.... leave questions... stay tuned for a the rest of the fictional work.,,,,,,,   THe END????  lol

I love the comments that are consistent with the story line 


  1. This may or may not be on or off topic in regards to this fiction. I would still like to know, and I am certain that others would to,what REALLY happend to Amped in December?I really hope you answer this. When I fisrt ordered it, it was great, same with my second purchase. But my third, it was completely differnt. And my most recent, the colour was right again, but the smell and consistancy was not. What was stated earlier in this blog mustve been false if that guy did not really create amped. Does that mean that whole story was false? About the aPVP etc? Please enlighten us about what happened. you dont have to go into super detail, we dont need names, chem names, lab reports, vendors etc. We just wanna know what happened to amped, ia it ever going to go back to how it was when it was first introduced on WH, and if so, do you know when? Even the shops around here now that have amped have the bad version. Hopefully i will learn something. I look forward to a response and your next post. Thank you for your time.

  2. what abt the "new" product?
    props to the "original gang" for making it happen
    fuck the bullshit and drama
    thank you 33


  3. I got a shipment from Wicked yesterday of the new amped. It was terrible. A total waste of money. It was gooey, off color and wouldn't even be considered a powder. Get it right or don't ship it out.

  4. damn I was gonna order some amped tomorrow. I guess I wont now. I wish every site wasnt out ofeightballz. But I do get 20 bucks off my next wicked purchase. what should I get from them?

    1. the sprinkles was good but they changed it, no one even noticed it went illegal for 2 days then became available again
      it used to have a smaller sticker and the consistency of the powder in the capsule is different now

      the rapids are good
      the bliss II is fire use ur points for that

    2. I received some of the brown sugar textured Amped that wouldnt dry out or seperate. They shipped me out a new one today. Customer service replied very quickly. He stated that they were re-shipping Amped today so I assumed they were shipping more than mine. If you got a bunk one, contact them. Customer service has been surprising wonderful after hearing the reviews.

  5. I amd the same poster as above. I amgoing to as for the brown amped. I am goind to dry it out with what I have. That one,aside from being brown,as the closest feeling to the original amped, but it takes work to be ableto powderize it

  6. To clarify, you are not the same one that posted about it being a waste of money...cause that was me. And it doesn't dry out cause i tried that. It turns into goo! Kinda like wet brown sugar. DON"T WASTE YOUR MONEY...I'm warning you!

  7. i agree dont waste your money. try some pump it from its fire.

  8. avoid k2incenseonline unless you want to throw away your money. you can get pump it and more elsewhere. don't get scammed by k2 like my friend and I have in the past (at one point they USED to be good).

    Im all set with the novelty stuff for a bit. so much crap now dont know what you're getting...could be real, could be clone, bunk, fake. All set. Tired of getting burned (Mind you..I do know the good vendors from the bad and always have the smarts to look into and "research" a vendor before dropping money. Even my friend who owns a local shop is getting burned with bunk crap. And she knows her shit as well. Screw the novelty companies..was fun for quite a awhile. Ill be smart and research in better ways where I'm less likely to get CRAP.

    And whoever owns, writes, creates, dreams, maintains this blog...I was very excited when I stumbled upon you just around xmas time. With all due respect...and I have to be quite frank...there really is no sugar coating...can we just get on with the damn complete story already of wickedherbals? One would think this is a soap opera ..each day your "viewers" may get tid bits and clues..maybe some good juicy info...maybe something to do with the price of beans in china..maybe nothing at all. Bottom line is ...can we please just hear the story once and for all? If not, that is fine too. Just say so. Let your viewers know. I've checked this blog daily since around Christmas time and I have yet to hear any sort of juicy dirt or stories. sheesh. like sands through the are the days of our lives. pffft!

    1. i just ordered from k2 and i got good quality pump it and had no problems and yes i agree we need some good info on wicked or atleast a good product that is worth the money.

  9. and drizzle..just an example for you to see if you have not caught on to k2incenseonline already. They used to be good at one point. Now they are scammers. Crap products..many clones or bunk stuff. They change their prices daily at times (which is fine...but not in the heavy fluctuation I have seen on a few items there...sketchy.) Anyways.. see this one example on the Bliss 2 (which is crap BTW)...check the reviews. then check the dates of the reviews. Bingo! Of course MOST PRE-BAN product reviews are going to be better. And K2 DIDNT EVEN HAVE THIS PRODUCT FOR SALE ON THEIR SITE ON THOSE DATES. I know because I would check their site as well as many others daily just for new product lines, offers, news,etc. So turn around. Put your credit card back in your wallet. And say to yourself "man Im so glad I didn't get burned $50+ bucks for garbage."

    1. i always check the reviews before i spend anything. im not gonna just waste my money but yes i did notice that most of the reviews were preban but as i said in the last reply i tryed it and it was good i have no complaints.

    2. Just wondering how much did you do ur first time useing amped exuberant??

  10. Mail came today and just began to repel my ladybugs 10 minutes ago. They are beginning to scram. Amped from Wicked Herbals is product. Thicker powder than usual. Smells like stale urine. Off white colour. No complaints. Ordered Friday am and arrived 1000 miles later today, Monday. Thanks for this info and I will stay posted.

  11. Holy shit did the lady bugs scatter along with my brain...I've always liked motivation got me in to trouble and lost some years I just tried amped and was pleased...

  12. Amped from W.H. CAN be great - first 2 orders in Feb 2012 were great - third came this week in a DIFFERENT PACKAGE FROM THE FIRST and is garbage... so I've been told by a friend... he contacted them to see if there is a difference in the formula or what and if they can exchange this for what he had the 1st 2 times - W.H. will either be a great company and switch the order out for the original (from last week) or they will be a thing of the past and say that He's stuck with it... Ladybugs didn't even move this time... WTF?? The brown stuff is WAY better...!! This batch was pure white and did NOTHING!! Useless for getting rid of the ladybugs... totally useless. He ordered more this time too... oops - thought 2 orders were enough to set a standard of quality for bug control... well we'll find out in the morning what they are gonna do about this problem...I'll update it later...

  13. I just bought some amped about 12hrs ago and did almost half a gram and my back is killing me!! Anyone else have this problem?? Plz let me know....

  14. Also I would like to know if anybody has OD on amped?? And what would be a safe amount to do if its ur first time...

  15. michael rocky lane vs usa-what was the shift from bathsalts unique with the 8balls deals then the down time with 8ball pattent and use canceled thn the glas cleaner stickers.then wicked herbals doing sprinkles, tickel talk, what happened to holly, bcg,and the coln. fill in th gaps-----mdppp-mdvp-a-pvp-4fa.... ----biochemguy-33-bsg lay it ll out and please adress ur views on mptp....the baha sand and the brown sugar items were just....lacking alot. sand concrning abt neurotox . the 1st gen amped was gold and well produced s fr as i can tell by your biochem undersanding. did the' ciling stockpile fall thoug" i bet that was the last batch of the precise before te shitty a-pvp.......great well reearched products loose to the cutting of corners and in that gma-0that dangerous...


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