Tuesday, December 27, 2011

plug pulled on amped be careful

well my now ex-favorite internet site wickedherbals is messing up.  my friend is worked there he was a chemist.  apparently the boss was very verbally abusive,  no big deal.  But a few days ago the line was crossed and he quit and got fired depending on who you ask.  anyways the product amped is not the same anymore and the chemical supplier who gives them everything sent them 4kgs of what was supposed to be pvp.  Of course him being a chemist and the boss being a salesman,  there was a conflict.  long story short wicked herbals product amped is not only compromised but is being made with unknown chemicals that smell like paint thinner.  White water rapid on the other hand should be the same for awhile seeing as he already made a bunch.  Amped original is now gone, and all the product being sent out as amped is being made with unknown active compound.  one of my friends who I would consider a heavy weight tryed a small amount and immediately blew a snot rocket straight back out,  he said he as never experienced anything like that,  even worse than 4-FA the main component of crazy train.  so anyways, if you have recieved or purchased amped anytime after Christmas (dec. 25) please leave a comment and review.  Like I said my friend wont even try it after the first time and my chemist friend who worked there refused to make it the second he realized it was an unknown/ different chem than the previous one being used.  SO please please leave a review of the new amped and like I said anything received after Christmas is undoubtedly the new amped.  or if you are unsure or received it from a different distributor,  leave the serial number and I will find out which one it is. cross your fingers maybe it was just an anomaly and it is still the same good product.  but now instead of a chemist manufacturing the chemicals, a salesman is.  Happy holiday!

Friday, December 23, 2011

COMING SOON BsG reloaded

Dont worry Im following all the comments,  however christmas time at jcpenneys is hectic
I will be answering everything by christmas eve.  hows that for a present lol.  I really appreciate all the comments like I said its just a matter of time and energy so saturday probably or sunday for sure

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The new best

This new product is like white water rapid on steroids
It is nowhere near as smooth and nice so to speak but is way more amped up lol
 AMPED 1gram

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Eight ballz obsolete

I was fortunate enough to see the sales trends of my favorite online distributor and it turns out that they are selling maybe 4 or 5 amped units to 1 8 ballz unit.  I feel bad for whoever owns 8 ballz cause it definitively is nowhere  near as good as amped or white water rapid.  Yet another example of a company that can no longer hang with the big dogs.

Phoenix AZ wow amped

Apperently amped is the hottest product in the west valley right now.  I personally like the White water rapid better......I understand though.  Amped is way more get ready and go.  white water rapid is more Im ready when your ready.  LOL

Thursday, December 8, 2011

House bill stalling

House bill aiming to move currently legal chemicals to schedule 1 is being considered.  This would be counter productive.  If this bill aims to give dope peddlers, cartels, and smugglers more power, then by all means pass it.   But regardless of party affilitation,  If you are into the whole preserving the integrity of america, do not let this bill pass.  This will take money out of american pockets and put in the pockets large scale criminal syndicates.  this is just a quick post before I go to work but you can bet your booty I am gonna smash this as soon as I have time.  This is bigger than salt or synthetics,  this is the story of the fall of the most powerful state entity of all time.  Goodbye America? 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

let me revolutionize Pharmaceutical synthesis'

 If someone could give me a 10 million dollar (USD) research grant Im pretty sure I could start a revolutionary pharmaceutical company.  Even though I think they are evil, someone has to do it.  If your a affluent investor leave a message.  According to Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development developing a new drug costs a mere 1.3 billion (USD). No you didnt read that wrong it says BILLION !!!!  Of course this cost includes the many drugs that that are researched then devoloped and then fail during clinical trials,  I would hate to be that scientist.  So that being said all I need is 1 percent of that....10 million (USD).  This is because my method doesnt involve making new drugs,  it involves manipulating the principle of chemical engineering and genetic engineering to create biological systems that produce target molecules quickly, nonstop, and at an unheard of cost.  For example,  I plan to use a restriction endonuclease to cleave a target sequence of a certain species*  smash out some PCR just cause amplifying DNA is fun*, Ligation anyone*? followed by innoculation, incubation, and ultimately protien expression*  Oh lastly,  If you dont know what green chemistry...." Green chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use and generation of hazardous substances (Anastas et al. 2000)"  yea this process I am alluding to is greener than that quirky Muppet frog,  and my target molecule* is currently produced in low yields (atom economy) by using harsh reagents.*
  ( If you or anyone you know is interested in one of a kind artist/biochemist please contact me I would work for minimum wage if necessary just cause science is my pet bees knees, apologies, This blog is obviously crude, poorly written and contains subject matter and language some may find offensive.  But keep in mind I like to blog when I like to blog I am not passionate about blogging I am passionate about science.  so who knows maybe I will get lucky and will be able to explain my methodology to someone in a position of influence whether that influence be capital or occupational or a combination of both) shout out to the devils advocates*:

Merck & Co.
Johnson and Johnson
Hoffmann–La Roche
Abbott Laboratories
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Eli Lilly and Company
Boehringer Ingelheim
Baxter International
Takeda Pharmaceutical Co.
Procter & Gamble

*oversimplification,  vagueness,  misinformation, paraphrasing, hidden genius, 

Many companies facing downsizing and/or bankruptcy

Wow I am shocked.  Even though demand has gone down, it still exists.  Unfortunately since the methedrone/MDPV (formerly legal methamphetamine substitute) Many distributors are scrambling to reformulate.  Due to a lack of chemical knowledge these distributors are facing unprecendented decline in sales attributed to the simple fact they do not have a chemist on staff to formulate quality products.  More specifically, one of my good friends that I met up with today was unusually upset or maybe depressed.  I didnt want to be nosey but I couldnt help but ask what was causing his distress.  His distress in short was "I thought my formulator knew what he was doing....apperently without MDPV it is not as easy to make a quality formulation".  Even though I put that in quotations its not word for word but Im sure you get the gist.  Thats where I come in........  If you are a distributor, retailer, or even consumer,  I am willing to give advice and point all in the direction of quality ingredients/res. chems.  If your inquiry is of the not for profit nature then rest assure advice is free :) .....And of course if you are a for profit retailer or distributor advice may be free...... I guess it depends how you plan to use it. In case you didnt know my tag biochemguy isnt just for shitties and gigglies ha I am a fucking scientist.  Well not quite,  I have a bachelors degree in biochemistry and have thouroughly studied metabolic pathways.  Of course nobody knows everything.  except for me jk........ lets put this a different way.  Anyone can learn anything if they are willing to put in the time.  Now lets consider an academic degree as a piece of paper that certifies you to use and handle tools,  my tools are science, research and lab skills.  So I graduate, I have the tools, I keep them on me and best case scenario I use them as often as possible, maybe even make a little money because of it.  However,  Just because you have the tools and know how to use them doesnt mean much.  I like this allegory,  and Im getting to the point.  So know pretend like biochemistry is painting.  I have brushes, canvas, paint, and subject matter all the tools neccessary to make my painting.  But just because you have been versed in the methods/tools needed to paint it does not mean you have mastered the art itself.  Follow ?  anyways long convulated allegorical story short,  I have been given the tools and am getting better at the art every day.  So bring the heat,  according to google analytics in the past month thousands have visited and read my blog.  But for whatever reason the blog has only tallied 4 comments,  and thats cool, thank you whoever you are.  I love science its my first true love.  Furthermore, I am trained in the craft and am working on mastering the art.  So please,  asking me something,  If its impossible and complicated even better.  If its stupid and hurtful thats cool too cause you dont know me, you cant judge me! lol  anyways the holiday get tough and sometimes we all need a little pick me up let me help you with that......... cool?  COOL!  My next post is gonna be sweet.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New product anouncment!!!

So my favorite online distributor has informed me of a new product about to hit the site......this is inside information so consider yourself privileged.....The new product is named amped....It is from the founder of the popular brand Eight ballz,  Of course since the founder left to break away from his partners he has continued to come out with quality products.  white water rapid was great and still is.  the new product amped is just as it sounds it is a spin off of white water rapid but formulated to not  out compete eight ballz and I am sure it will.  I was privileged enough to receive a free sample and I must say this is the best post ban product.  so keep your eyes peeled if you are an enthusiast as myself.  because this product is guaranteed to be as good as any other.  And as always questions are welcome as well as comments......thats my favorite part of the blog......  oh and before I forget thier is a product that has showed up in my area named BLOW this product is cheaply made with low quality ingredients so if you care about your life dont do it, pay the extra for the good good.  I have seen the places these products are manufactured and it is not pretty in some cases.  I will refrain from naming names but trust that when I recommend a product I do so upon its true merits.  I am not paid by anyone however I am partial to wickedherbals.com,  I started as a customer and now I have a good in with them.  furthermore,  I have used other online retailers and sometimes get what I ordered sometimes get something random and sometimes dont get anything but a hassle.  So that is why I stick to what I know.  Anyways december is here so give more than material,  give a good heart and soul to the world, go out of your way to help people out.  

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy thanksgiving to one and all.  Hopefully all is well,  watch out for the pocefus they love to ruin holidays.  I am thankful for many things, it would be interesting to hear from some other passer byes what they are thankful for.  once again HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Notice that bath salt is leaving the news

I predicted this.......first of all not all "bath salts" are bad.  Secondly,   The term bath salt is a misnomer literally. when the news would report on bath salt in a negative way it was usually, if not always due to MDPV not "bath salt".   Anyways, for all the misinformed. MDPV is potent and  addictive..... when abused, people would act as if they would have if they were abusing meth.  Anyways, my prediction was that a month from the ban the word and the topic would dissappear , never to be heard from again,  that is of course until something comes out that can induce meth-like episodes.  So far it looks like my vindictive self is right.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Hoping for interaction lol

Well I was really excited about this blog thing.  I thought I would create a blog and questions would start flying in.   Please people comment ask questions,  I would love it if I woke up tommorow and had a question about some active ingredient in some product and its biological pathways!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Online vendors of legal highs

I have had many questions regarding trustworthy online retailers recently.  people,  please be careful before you buy anything online from a site u are unfamiliar with.  If you are curious about a specific site please comment to this post and if I do not know of or about I will find out to the best of my knowledge if they are or are not trustworthy through my circle of peeps lol so to speak.  gotta love google+

Saturday, November 12, 2011

salts in az

eightballz bath salt used to be the shit.  Eight ballz glass cleaner burned like hell and did little to nothing. just recently my friend showed me a brand called white water rapid.  I would say it is the best brand since the federal ban.  also bliss products have shown some promise.  Stay away from crazy train!  checkout wickedherbals.com they have the brands I mentioned and I have ordered from them.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I look forward to all questions. responses should be within 24 hours. I have a bachelors degree in Biochemistry and have an extensive knowledge of the "grey market" market

Bath salts and powders, advice and information from a biochemist

This blog was created to help answer and inform anyone and everyone who has questions, observations, and interests in the world of not for consumption products generally reffered to as bath salts.  These products are sold online and in smoke shops around the United states.  The fundamental idea behind this blog is for people to ask questions and for a biochemist with vast knowledge and experience to give the best answer possible.  Obviously,  there are many variations with regards to regions and products available.  Feel free to ask anything and everything and get an unbiased response.  Whether you are curious about bath salts, against bath salts, or for bath salts, please feel free to post all questions and comments